Kenapa kadang-kadang kita rasa otak kita berserabut. Kadang-kadang perkara kecil pun leh jadi masalah besar. Emm…mesti muka pun masam mencuka…Ishh… senyum la sikit…. Senyum kan sedekah… Don’t worry, takde modal besar pun nak senyum ni…
Para saintis mendapati senyum dan ketawa merupakan satu senaman berbentuk jogging dalaman di mana dapat merangsang seluruh tubuh dan mampu memberi manfaat berguna kepada sistem saraf otak dan juga hormon-hormon. Pengkaji dan pengamal barat percaya dengan memulakan hari dengan senyuman bukan sahaja berupaya menceriakan hidup anda tetapi memberi banyak kebaikan kepada kesihatan. Apabila kita tersenyum, badan turut ‘tersenyum’ dan menganggap kita gembira. Kajian menunjukkan senyuman memperlahankan aliran darah yang melalui sinus ke otak.
Apabila darah yang ’sudah sejuk’ ini sampai ke hipotalamus (bahagian yang mengawal suhu badan dan emosi) ia menghasilkan kesan ‘gembira’. Selain itu, apabila kita tersenyum, kita hanya menggunakan 17 otot muka berbanding 43 ketika mengerutkan dahi.
Senyuman bukan sekadar reaksi gerak muka, tetapi turut mempunyai kaitan dengan penghasilan endorphin dalam otak yang mengurangkan kesakitan fizikal dan emosi menjadikan seseorang itu rasa lebih selesa dengan diri sendiri.
Kajian menunjukkan individu yang ketawa 100 kali dalam tempoh 24 jam mendapat manfaat kardiovaskular sama seperti bersenam 10 minit. Hal ini terjadi kerana apabila kita ketawa, tekanan darah dan kadar dengupan jantung meningkat. Kemudian kedua-dua kadar ini akan turun iaitu lebih rendah daripada paras sebelum anda ketawa.
Anda juga perlu sedar bahawa kanak-kanak lebih banyak ketawa dari orang dewasa. Kanak-kanak berumur antara empat hingga enam tahun ketawa 400 kali sehari berbanding hanya 15 kali sehari di kalangan orang dewasa. Justeru tidak hairan jika orang dewasa lebih mudah diserang penyakit serta mengalami masalah tekanan dan kemurungan.
Kajian yang dibuat oleh sekumpulan saintis dari Universiti Pusat Perubatan California menjelaskan terdapat dua jenis ’stress’ iaitu stress yang baik dan stress yang tidak baik. Senyum dan ketawa dikategorikan sebagai stress yang baik. Stress yang tidak baik akan memberi tekanan kepada sistem ketahanan badan.
Dalam kajian di atas, dua kumpulan orang dewasa telah digunakan ebagai eksperimen. Kumpulan pertama dipertontonkan cerita-cerita lucu manakala kumpulan kedua diletakkan disebuah bilik tanpa berbuat apa-apa. Sampel darah diambil 10 minit sebelum dan selepas kajian dibuat. Dari keputusan sampel darah tersebut, kumpulan pertama didapati peningkatan hormon semakin baik seperti hormon ‘endorphins’ dan hormone ‘neurotransmitters’ dan penurunan tahap hormon stress ‘cortisol’ dan ‘adrenaline’ .
Ketika kita ketawa, sel pembunuh tumor dan virus semulajadi dalam badan akan bertambah selaras dengan pertambahan Gamma-inteferon (protein melawan penyakit), sel T (yang penting untuk sistem pertahanan badan) dan sel B (yang menghasilkan antibodi melawan penyakit).
Senyuman juga mampu merendahkan tekanan darah, menambah kemasukan oksigen dalam darah dan ini secara tidak langsung merangsang proses penyembuhan. Banyak kajian terbukti bahawa tekanan emosi seperti kemurungan, kemarahan atau keresahan mempunyai kaitan dengan sakit jantung.
Senyuman yang diakhiri dengan ketawa mengaktifkan kimia badan dan secara tidak langsung merendahkan risiko penyakit jantung, tekanan darah tinggi, strok, atritis dan ulser. Pusat Perubatan Universiti Maryland menjalankan kajian ke atas 300 responden dan mendapati 40 peratus orang yang mengidap penyakit jantung kurang ketawa berbanding orang yang sihat.
Senyuman dan ketawa antara senaman yang baik kerana ia membabitkan diafragma, abdomen, sistem pernafasan, muka, kaki dan otot belakang badan. Ketawa ‘mengurut’ organ dalam abdomen dan menguatkan otot abdomen, merangsang kedua-dua belah otak dan meningkatkan keupayaan untuk belajar. Ia melegakan ketegangan otot dan tekanan psikologi; membuatkan otak lebih peka serta bersedia menerima maklumat baru.Ketawa juga dikatakan mampu memperbaiki fungsi usus, sekali gus meningkatkan pencernaan dan penyerapan nutrient dalam badan. Ada juga yang percaya ketawa boleh membakar kalori seperti kita bersenam beberapa minit.
Senyum mampu menjadi penawar pada penyakit rohani yang kronik. Senyum tidak perlu modal, hanya sekelumit rasa ikhlas yang bisa memaniskan senyuman itu. Senyuman yang dilemparkan mampu menyerikan hari insan lain. Mungkin juga mampu menyejukkan hati yang sedang marah atau mampu juga untuk memulakan sesebuah ikatan.
Jual Balik:
Monday, January 4, 2010
Reduce Back Pain - Simple Treatment For Back Pain
Back pain severe enough to to be called chronic can make it difficult or impossible to do the simplest things, is a fact of life as we age and wear out. In nature, everything is in a constant state of decay and this is very apparent as we get older and all the aches and pains associated with age catch up with us.
Back pain is a normal part of aging. It is something we don't need or want. But it happens anyway. An article in the Joplin Globe stated that back injuries are the number two reason people see a doctor. Chronic backaches can be an occupational risk, even if you don't do any heavy lifting at work or at home. Twisting motions, incorrect lifting techniques and some housework activities all contribute to excess stress and strain on our backs.
Medical doctors and chiropractors are seeing more back problems every year. Part of this increase could be related to our life styles, bad posture (sitting and standing), being over weight, and lack of exercises. Exercise and posture are important considerations, but most of us don't give them a thought. Consider this, when we do things that are athletic in nature, we always take a few minutes to stretch, loosen up and get ready. But when we go to work, or do strenuous things at home, we just do it, with no thought except for the task or job at hand. We do prevention exercises before we play, but we don't do any preparation before we do work.
Back pain doesn't just happen overnight. Wear and tear happens as we age and these small injuries that are shrugged off, lead to serious back pain that we don't recover from. The National Institutes of Health report that 80 percent of Americans will suffer back pain some time in their life. It is a fact that back injuries and pain is the number one reason most people miss work.
Back pain treatment has become a multi-million dollar business. Doctors, chiropractors, therapists and ergonomic experts all make very good money treating the pain in our backs. Any safety or workers' compensation manager will tell you that pain costs us millions every year in lost production, lost revenue and increased health care costs.
As it turns out, there is something we can do to reduce the stiffness and soreness of back pain. Compare the injuries that athletes get to the rest of us. Think about preventing back injuries, the big difference between an athlete and a couch potato is the regimen of stretching and exercise that an athlete does on a regular basis.
Here are some simple things to help relieve the back pain:
1. Sit up straight. Your mother probably told you to straighten up many times when you were young. She was right. Most of us become couch potatoes and slump or slouch when we sit. We don't think about it, but poor posture puts extra strain on the back muscles, tendons, discs and joints. It can cause nerve damage that may lead to pain in the back and legs, headaches and increases fatigue. Sitting up straight is especially important if you sit at a desk or use a computer for long periods of time.
2. Support your back: A lot of money is spent on ergonomic devices at work and many office chairs come with all kinds of adjustments to support your back and cost a lot of money. What you really need is something to support your back. This could be as simple as a rolled up towel. Or if you feel the need to spend some money, buy a lumbar pillow. A lot of reasonably priced office chairs offer lumbar support.
3. Stretch when you get up: Take a lesson from your animals. The first thing an animal does when it gets up is stretch. Sometimes they make a production out of it. Stretching will loosen the muscles, tendons and make you feel better. Take a deep breath while you stretch to increase the oxygen level in the blood and brain.
4. Watch your posture: Most people think of posture as something they do when they stand up. But posture involves more than standing, especially at work and more especially if you sit at a desk most of the day. When you sit, keep your feet on the floor. Sitting too high will cause you to want to slouch as you try to support your feet.
If you use a computer, make sure your monitor is at eye level. This will keep the vertebrae in your neck and spine straight and reduce the strain and fatigue caused by a bent-over (even slightly) posture.
When you sit in a chair, sit as far back as you can and support your lower back. If the seat back is adjustable, keep it as nearly upright as you can. This will keep your back, neck and head in alignment and have the added benefit of reducing fatigue caused by stress on your back.
Try these simple things. Stretching exercises and correct posture can be a learned habit if we pay attention to them. Back pain happens over a period of years, caused by many eventsba, including aging. But if we get in the habit of stretching and sitting properly, even at home, we'll go a long way toward reducing the pain and improving the quality of our lives.
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Back pain is a normal part of aging. It is something we don't need or want. But it happens anyway. An article in the Joplin Globe stated that back injuries are the number two reason people see a doctor. Chronic backaches can be an occupational risk, even if you don't do any heavy lifting at work or at home. Twisting motions, incorrect lifting techniques and some housework activities all contribute to excess stress and strain on our backs.
Medical doctors and chiropractors are seeing more back problems every year. Part of this increase could be related to our life styles, bad posture (sitting and standing), being over weight, and lack of exercises. Exercise and posture are important considerations, but most of us don't give them a thought. Consider this, when we do things that are athletic in nature, we always take a few minutes to stretch, loosen up and get ready. But when we go to work, or do strenuous things at home, we just do it, with no thought except for the task or job at hand. We do prevention exercises before we play, but we don't do any preparation before we do work.
Back pain doesn't just happen overnight. Wear and tear happens as we age and these small injuries that are shrugged off, lead to serious back pain that we don't recover from. The National Institutes of Health report that 80 percent of Americans will suffer back pain some time in their life. It is a fact that back injuries and pain is the number one reason most people miss work.
Back pain treatment has become a multi-million dollar business. Doctors, chiropractors, therapists and ergonomic experts all make very good money treating the pain in our backs. Any safety or workers' compensation manager will tell you that pain costs us millions every year in lost production, lost revenue and increased health care costs.
As it turns out, there is something we can do to reduce the stiffness and soreness of back pain. Compare the injuries that athletes get to the rest of us. Think about preventing back injuries, the big difference between an athlete and a couch potato is the regimen of stretching and exercise that an athlete does on a regular basis.
Here are some simple things to help relieve the back pain:
1. Sit up straight. Your mother probably told you to straighten up many times when you were young. She was right. Most of us become couch potatoes and slump or slouch when we sit. We don't think about it, but poor posture puts extra strain on the back muscles, tendons, discs and joints. It can cause nerve damage that may lead to pain in the back and legs, headaches and increases fatigue. Sitting up straight is especially important if you sit at a desk or use a computer for long periods of time.
2. Support your back: A lot of money is spent on ergonomic devices at work and many office chairs come with all kinds of adjustments to support your back and cost a lot of money. What you really need is something to support your back. This could be as simple as a rolled up towel. Or if you feel the need to spend some money, buy a lumbar pillow. A lot of reasonably priced office chairs offer lumbar support.
3. Stretch when you get up: Take a lesson from your animals. The first thing an animal does when it gets up is stretch. Sometimes they make a production out of it. Stretching will loosen the muscles, tendons and make you feel better. Take a deep breath while you stretch to increase the oxygen level in the blood and brain.
4. Watch your posture: Most people think of posture as something they do when they stand up. But posture involves more than standing, especially at work and more especially if you sit at a desk most of the day. When you sit, keep your feet on the floor. Sitting too high will cause you to want to slouch as you try to support your feet.
If you use a computer, make sure your monitor is at eye level. This will keep the vertebrae in your neck and spine straight and reduce the strain and fatigue caused by a bent-over (even slightly) posture.
When you sit in a chair, sit as far back as you can and support your lower back. If the seat back is adjustable, keep it as nearly upright as you can. This will keep your back, neck and head in alignment and have the added benefit of reducing fatigue caused by stress on your back.
Try these simple things. Stretching exercises and correct posture can be a learned habit if we pay attention to them. Back pain happens over a period of years, caused by many eventsba, including aging. But if we get in the habit of stretching and sitting properly, even at home, we'll go a long way toward reducing the pain and improving the quality of our lives.
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