Empat perkara menguatkan badan
1. Makan daging
2. Memakai haruman
3. Kerap mandi
4. Berpakaian dari kapas
Empat perkara melemahkan badan
1. Banyak berkelamin (bersetubuh)
2. Selalu cemas
3. Banyak minum air ketika makan
4. Banyak makan bahan yang masam
Empat perkara menajamkan Mata
1. Duduk mengadap kiblat
2. Bercelak sebelum tidur
3. Memandang yang hijau
4. Berpakaian bersih
Empat perkara merosakkan Mata
1. Memandang najis
2. Melihat orang dibunuh
3. Melihat kemaluan
4. Membelakangi kiblat
Empat perkara menajamkan fikiran
1. Tidak banyak berbual kosong
2. Rajin bersugi (gosok gigi)
3. Bercakap dengan orang soleh
4. Bergaul dengan para ulama
1. TIDUR PARA NABI - Tidur terlentang sambil berfikir tentang kejadian langit Dan Bumi.
2. TIDUR PARA ULAMA' & AHLI IBADAH - Miring ke sebelah kanan untuk memudahkan terjaga untuk solat Malam.
3. TIDUR PARA RAJA YANG HALOBA - Miring ke sebelah kiri untuk mencernakan makanan yang banyak Dimakan.
4. TIDUR SYAITAN - Menelungkup/tiarap seperti tidurnya ahli neraka.
Jual Balik:
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Petua Merancang Jantina Anak
Petua yang amat berguna bagi ibubapa…
Bagaimana merancang jantina?
Berikut adalah petua yang boleh membantu anda merancang jantina anak anda. InsyaAllah dengan panduan dan izin Allah akan membawa kejayaan. kita hanya memerlukan sedikit usaha dan tawakkal.
Sebenarnya sperma @ benih lelaki menjadi penentu jantina bayi kerana benih-benih tersebut ada yang membawa keromosom X dan Y.
Sedangkan telur atau benih isteri hanya membawa keromosm X. Bergantung mana yang bercantum – XY (anak lelaki) – XX (anak perempuan).
Ciri-ciri benih:
Benih Y lebih cergas dan laju begerak tetapi lebih cepat mati berbanding dengan benih X yang lambat bergerak tetapi hidup lebih lama.
Benih Y juga lebih tahan dalam cecair yang beralkali , sedangkan benih X lebih tahan dalam cecair asid.
Oleh itu anda boleh ikuti panduan berikut:
Merancang anak lelaki
1. Makanan yang asid seperti buah-buahan limau, nanas, mangga, cuka, minuman gas perlu dijauhkan selama 2 bulan sebelum mencuba. Makanan laut adalah digalakkan, zat-zat logam kalsium dan magnesium juga diperlukan.
2. Persetubuhan pada waktu subur iaitu pada hari penetasan telur isteri ( ovulation) adalah penting.
3. Menukarkan cecairan faraj kepada beralkali dengan melakukan ‘douching’ atau basuh dalam faraj dengan satu alat khas. 20 ml. Air bikarbonet dimasukkan kedalam faraj lebih kurang 2 jam sebelum mengadakan persetubuhan. Cecair bikarbonet (sodium bicarbonate ) boleh dibeli dari farmasi.
4. Kaedah suntikan benih lelaki ( artificial insemination) setelah air mani suami menjalani proses ‘layering’, atau menjalani rawatan bayi tabung uji (IVF) dan dipilih embryo yang telah disahkan lelaki untuk dimasukkan kedalam rahim. Kedua-dua kaedah tersebut tidak dibolehkan jika hanya untuk tujuan mendapatkan anak lelaki. Tetapi diperbolehkan jika sabit ada penyakit baka bila melahirkan anak perempuan.
Merancang anak perempuan
1. Digalakkan memakan makanan yang berasid seperti limau, asam , nenas, cuka, air minuman bergas dan lain lain. Pantang memakan makanan laut.
2. Persetubuhan dilakukan sebelum penetasan telur isteri (ovulation). Jangan bersetubuh selama 5 hari mulai dari hari ‘ovulation’ yang boleh dikesan dengan ujian-ujian subur.
3. Melakukan ‘douching’ dengan menggunakan cecair asid (very dilute lactacyd) 2 jam sebelum persetubuhan dilakukan.
Apapun segalanya adalah takdir Allah. Kita hanya mampu berusaha..
ok. ni nak tambah skit.ni petua orang tua2 dulu. tapi still boleh pakai kata Dr pakar puan masa live kat TV3,program ape tak ingat dah sebab dia kata, orang tua ni bercakap dari pengalaman dan mungkin ianya betul walaupun tidak dibuktikan dengan kajian saintifik.
Untuk dapatkan anak lelaki
1- banyakkan makan sayur untuk kedua2 pasangan, lelaki dan perempuan
2- deep penetration, maksudnya cuba pancut hampir kepada pangkal rahim isteri kerana sperma yang membawa jantina lelaki ni laju tapi tidak tahan lama. Jadi kalau dekat dengan pangkal rahim, berkemungkinan besar ia boleh bercantum dengan ovum dan membentuk jantina lelaki
p/s: kalau mengandung anak lelaki, perut akan berbentuk lonjong
Untuk dapatkan anak perempuan
1- banyakkan makan daging (ayam dan lembu) untuk kedua2 pasangan, lelaki dan perempuan
2- subsurface penetration, maksudnya pancut jauh dari pangkal rahim. Ini berkemungkinan sperma yang membawa gen lelaki tidak dapat bertahan lama dan mati.Ini memberi peluang untuk sperma yang membawa gen perempuan bercantum dengan ovum
p/s: kalau mengandung anak lelaki, perut akan berbentuk bulat
Sekadar berkongsi pengetahuan kepada sesiapa yang nak merancang anak..Insyallah
Dipetik dari www.cakap.net
Bagaimana merancang jantina?
Berikut adalah petua yang boleh membantu anda merancang jantina anak anda. InsyaAllah dengan panduan dan izin Allah akan membawa kejayaan. kita hanya memerlukan sedikit usaha dan tawakkal.
Sebenarnya sperma @ benih lelaki menjadi penentu jantina bayi kerana benih-benih tersebut ada yang membawa keromosom X dan Y.
Sedangkan telur atau benih isteri hanya membawa keromosm X. Bergantung mana yang bercantum – XY (anak lelaki) – XX (anak perempuan).
Ciri-ciri benih:
Benih Y lebih cergas dan laju begerak tetapi lebih cepat mati berbanding dengan benih X yang lambat bergerak tetapi hidup lebih lama.
Benih Y juga lebih tahan dalam cecair yang beralkali , sedangkan benih X lebih tahan dalam cecair asid.
Oleh itu anda boleh ikuti panduan berikut:
Merancang anak lelaki
1. Makanan yang asid seperti buah-buahan limau, nanas, mangga, cuka, minuman gas perlu dijauhkan selama 2 bulan sebelum mencuba. Makanan laut adalah digalakkan, zat-zat logam kalsium dan magnesium juga diperlukan.
2. Persetubuhan pada waktu subur iaitu pada hari penetasan telur isteri ( ovulation) adalah penting.
3. Menukarkan cecairan faraj kepada beralkali dengan melakukan ‘douching’ atau basuh dalam faraj dengan satu alat khas. 20 ml. Air bikarbonet dimasukkan kedalam faraj lebih kurang 2 jam sebelum mengadakan persetubuhan. Cecair bikarbonet (sodium bicarbonate ) boleh dibeli dari farmasi.
4. Kaedah suntikan benih lelaki ( artificial insemination) setelah air mani suami menjalani proses ‘layering’, atau menjalani rawatan bayi tabung uji (IVF) dan dipilih embryo yang telah disahkan lelaki untuk dimasukkan kedalam rahim. Kedua-dua kaedah tersebut tidak dibolehkan jika hanya untuk tujuan mendapatkan anak lelaki. Tetapi diperbolehkan jika sabit ada penyakit baka bila melahirkan anak perempuan.
Merancang anak perempuan
1. Digalakkan memakan makanan yang berasid seperti limau, asam , nenas, cuka, air minuman bergas dan lain lain. Pantang memakan makanan laut.
2. Persetubuhan dilakukan sebelum penetasan telur isteri (ovulation). Jangan bersetubuh selama 5 hari mulai dari hari ‘ovulation’ yang boleh dikesan dengan ujian-ujian subur.
3. Melakukan ‘douching’ dengan menggunakan cecair asid (very dilute lactacyd) 2 jam sebelum persetubuhan dilakukan.
Apapun segalanya adalah takdir Allah. Kita hanya mampu berusaha..
ok. ni nak tambah skit.ni petua orang tua2 dulu. tapi still boleh pakai kata Dr pakar puan masa live kat TV3,program ape tak ingat dah sebab dia kata, orang tua ni bercakap dari pengalaman dan mungkin ianya betul walaupun tidak dibuktikan dengan kajian saintifik.
Untuk dapatkan anak lelaki
1- banyakkan makan sayur untuk kedua2 pasangan, lelaki dan perempuan
2- deep penetration, maksudnya cuba pancut hampir kepada pangkal rahim isteri kerana sperma yang membawa jantina lelaki ni laju tapi tidak tahan lama. Jadi kalau dekat dengan pangkal rahim, berkemungkinan besar ia boleh bercantum dengan ovum dan membentuk jantina lelaki
p/s: kalau mengandung anak lelaki, perut akan berbentuk lonjong
Untuk dapatkan anak perempuan
1- banyakkan makan daging (ayam dan lembu) untuk kedua2 pasangan, lelaki dan perempuan
2- subsurface penetration, maksudnya pancut jauh dari pangkal rahim. Ini berkemungkinan sperma yang membawa gen lelaki tidak dapat bertahan lama dan mati.Ini memberi peluang untuk sperma yang membawa gen perempuan bercantum dengan ovum
p/s: kalau mengandung anak lelaki, perut akan berbentuk bulat
Sekadar berkongsi pengetahuan kepada sesiapa yang nak merancang anak..Insyallah
Dipetik dari www.cakap.net
Chest Pain - Why it Should Not Be Ignored
Urban Meyer has taken a leave from coaching the Florida Gators due to chest pains he had experienced earlier this month. He was wise and went to the hospital, where test were performed and it was determined that no permanent muscle damage was done. This is an example of why it is important that immediate care is so important in this situation.
Although the reason for Coach Meyer's chest pain were not disclosed, his reaction to it is very important. Immediate care is essential as it can help minimize damage if a person is having a heart attack. The problem is many people, especially during the holiday season put off care until it is too late. They either believe that it will go away or they do not want to disturb the holiday and wait.
The question then becomes when you should seek help and when you should wait. The symptoms of a heart attack are not just chest pain but including many other symptoms including, abdominal pain, upper body pain including jaw pain and arm pain, nausea and vomiting, anxiety, shortness of breath, lightheadedness and sweating. If you experience these symptoms for longer then a few minutes then you should seek help. Waiting for the symptoms to go away will only lead to a more severe outcome.
Treatment and testing at the hospital will help to get a correct diagnosis. Even if it is not a heart attack, these symptoms can be telling you that there is something wrong and you need to take care of it. Stress and other issues can lead to more serious conditions over the long term. Ultimately it is timely care that will allow for a long and healthy life.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Amy_Korn-Reavis
Although the reason for Coach Meyer's chest pain were not disclosed, his reaction to it is very important. Immediate care is essential as it can help minimize damage if a person is having a heart attack. The problem is many people, especially during the holiday season put off care until it is too late. They either believe that it will go away or they do not want to disturb the holiday and wait.
The question then becomes when you should seek help and when you should wait. The symptoms of a heart attack are not just chest pain but including many other symptoms including, abdominal pain, upper body pain including jaw pain and arm pain, nausea and vomiting, anxiety, shortness of breath, lightheadedness and sweating. If you experience these symptoms for longer then a few minutes then you should seek help. Waiting for the symptoms to go away will only lead to a more severe outcome.
Treatment and testing at the hospital will help to get a correct diagnosis. Even if it is not a heart attack, these symptoms can be telling you that there is something wrong and you need to take care of it. Stress and other issues can lead to more serious conditions over the long term. Ultimately it is timely care that will allow for a long and healthy life.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Amy_Korn-Reavis
Heart Disease Causes - Reverse the Effects of Heart Disease Naturally!
Heart disease causes are many and varied. Among the most common are those caused by lifestyle changes that can be easily managed, such as eating a healthy diet and exercising, managing your weight so that it stays within the healthy range, and keeping up on family risk factors for heart disease, thus the need to work with your doctor to minimize or even eliminate them.
Heart defects:
Heart defects, for example, usually develop while the baby is still in utero, and are usually structural imperfections that may or may not be able to be fixed with surgery, or managed with medication.
Cardiomyopathy is a very common type of heart disorder where the heart muscle thickens or enlarges. There are three major types. Dilated cardiomyopathy is the most common type, and with this type of cardiomyopathy, the left ventricle, which is the main pumping chamber, becomes enlarged so much that its pumping ability is compromised and blood flow is also minimized.
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy occurs when the heart muscle grows or thickens abnormally, again mostly within the main pumping chamber, the left ventricle. As the heart thickens, it tends to get stiffer, such that pumping is less effective, and the chamber itself shrinks. This reduces the heart's ability to pump blood effectively throughout the body.
With restrictive cardiomyopathy, the heart itself simply becomes less elastic, which means that it doesn't expand properly and fill with blood between beats. This is the least common type of cardiomyopathy and often occurs for no apparent reason.
Infections and viruses:
Heart infections can cause heart disease, such as myocarditis, endocarditis, and pericarditis. In these cases, bacteria or viruses enter the bloodstream and can cause damage. With endocarditis particularly, poor oral health could be the cause because as you brush your teeth, bacteria can enter your blood stream through infected gums. Bacteria that cause Lyme disease can also bring on myocarditis.
Viruses, too, can cause heart infections, such as those that cause influenza, mononucleosis, measles, and the human parvovirus. In addition, sexually transmitted diseases can also travel to the heart muscle and cause infection there.
Parasites can be another cause of heart disease, such as toxoplasma.
Therapeutic interventions:
Certain therapeutic interventions for other diseases like cancer may also damage the heart, such as radiation treatment or certain chemotherapy drugs.
Allergic or toxic reactions:
Medications and drugs can cause allergic or toxic reactions that can damage the heart. Antibiotics like penicillin and illegal drugs like cocaine can also damage the heart; especially with the administration of needle-based illicit drugs like heroin, infection can also be introduced to the heart via this mechanism.
Autoimmune disorders:
Finally, there are certain autoimmune disorders that can cause heart disease, like lupus or Wegener's granulomatosis.
Fortunately, the vast majority of heart disease causes can be entirely managed by managing your own lifestyles of the East and stay as healthy and fit as possible. Although these aforementioned heart disease causes certainly do exist, by far the most common reason for heart disease is the presence of lifestyle factors like obesity, lack of exercise, diabetes caused by poor diet and lifestyle, high blood pressure, and so on.
For most other heart disease causes, the conditions can at least be managed with medication and lifestyle changes, if not cured, through interventions like surgery to correct congenital defects.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ken_Hansen
Heart defects:
Heart defects, for example, usually develop while the baby is still in utero, and are usually structural imperfections that may or may not be able to be fixed with surgery, or managed with medication.
Cardiomyopathy is a very common type of heart disorder where the heart muscle thickens or enlarges. There are three major types. Dilated cardiomyopathy is the most common type, and with this type of cardiomyopathy, the left ventricle, which is the main pumping chamber, becomes enlarged so much that its pumping ability is compromised and blood flow is also minimized.
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy occurs when the heart muscle grows or thickens abnormally, again mostly within the main pumping chamber, the left ventricle. As the heart thickens, it tends to get stiffer, such that pumping is less effective, and the chamber itself shrinks. This reduces the heart's ability to pump blood effectively throughout the body.
With restrictive cardiomyopathy, the heart itself simply becomes less elastic, which means that it doesn't expand properly and fill with blood between beats. This is the least common type of cardiomyopathy and often occurs for no apparent reason.
Infections and viruses:
Heart infections can cause heart disease, such as myocarditis, endocarditis, and pericarditis. In these cases, bacteria or viruses enter the bloodstream and can cause damage. With endocarditis particularly, poor oral health could be the cause because as you brush your teeth, bacteria can enter your blood stream through infected gums. Bacteria that cause Lyme disease can also bring on myocarditis.
Viruses, too, can cause heart infections, such as those that cause influenza, mononucleosis, measles, and the human parvovirus. In addition, sexually transmitted diseases can also travel to the heart muscle and cause infection there.
Parasites can be another cause of heart disease, such as toxoplasma.
Therapeutic interventions:
Certain therapeutic interventions for other diseases like cancer may also damage the heart, such as radiation treatment or certain chemotherapy drugs.
Allergic or toxic reactions:
Medications and drugs can cause allergic or toxic reactions that can damage the heart. Antibiotics like penicillin and illegal drugs like cocaine can also damage the heart; especially with the administration of needle-based illicit drugs like heroin, infection can also be introduced to the heart via this mechanism.
Autoimmune disorders:
Finally, there are certain autoimmune disorders that can cause heart disease, like lupus or Wegener's granulomatosis.
Fortunately, the vast majority of heart disease causes can be entirely managed by managing your own lifestyles of the East and stay as healthy and fit as possible. Although these aforementioned heart disease causes certainly do exist, by far the most common reason for heart disease is the presence of lifestyle factors like obesity, lack of exercise, diabetes caused by poor diet and lifestyle, high blood pressure, and so on.
For most other heart disease causes, the conditions can at least be managed with medication and lifestyle changes, if not cured, through interventions like surgery to correct congenital defects.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ken_Hansen
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